2018-02-09 17:48:36 UTC
36.3 MB
[#000] sha256:e7bb522d92ff6d4e5b2087409b0fc783c2e3b06acf87bee739ee47d90bf02e96 - 59.14% (21.4 MB)
[#001] sha256:1f9837d5213619586c831bb8c25d25593652fde9c0fa56a0402e76ad65a288d5 - 40.86% (14.8 MB)
[#002] sha256:a67107990786c6f6ccab25ae0f82f560c3ab12aad8d6ede28dfe120eec98827c - 0.0% (160 Bytes)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:f30a8b5b7cdc9ba33a250899308b490baa9f7a9b29d3a85bd16200aa0a28a04a in /
2017-12-12 01:44:43 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"]
2018-01-30 09:32:36 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL maintainer=NGINX Docker Maintainers <docker-maint@nginx.com>
2018-02-09 17:44:25 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV UNIT_VERSION=0.6-1~stretch
2018-02-09 17:48:34 UTC/bin/sh -c set -x && apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y gnupg1 apt-transport-https ca-certificates && NGINX_GPGKEY=573BFD6B3D8FBC641079A6ABABF5BD827BD9BF62; found=''; for server in ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 pgp.mit.edu ; do echo "Fetching GPG key $NGINX_GPGKEY from $server"; apt-key adv --keyserver "$server" --keyserver-options timeout=10 --recv-keys "$NGINX_GPGKEY" && found=yes && break; done; test -z "$found" && echo >&2 "error: failed to fetch GPG key $NGINX_GPGKEY" && exit 1; apt-get remove --purge --auto-remove -y gnupg1 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && dpkgArch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" && unitPackages="unit=${UNIT_VERSION} unit-perl=${UNIT_VERSION}" && case "$dpkgArch" in amd64|i386) echo "deb https://packages.nginx.org/unit/debian/ stretch unit" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unit.list && apt-get update ;; *) echo "deb-src https://packages.nginx.org/unit/debian/ stretch unit" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unit.list && tempDir="$(mktemp -d)" && chmod 777 "$tempDir" && savedAptMark="$(apt-mark showmanual)" && apt-get update && apt-get build-dep -y $unitPackages && ( cd "$tempDir" && DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nocheck parallel=$(nproc)" apt-get source --compile $unitPackages ) && apt-mark showmanual | xargs apt-mark auto > /dev/null && { [ -z "$savedAptMark" ] || apt-mark manual $savedAptMark; } && ls -lAFh "$tempDir" && ( cd "$tempDir" && dpkg-scanpackages . > Packages ) && grep '^Package: ' "$tempDir/Packages" && echo "deb [ trusted=yes ] file://$tempDir ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/temp.list && apt-get -o Acquire::GzipIndexes=false update ;; esac && apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y $unitPackages curl && apt-get remove --purge --auto-remove -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unit.list && if [ -n "$tempDir" ]; then apt-get purge -y --auto-remove && rm -rf "$tempDir" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/temp.list; fi
2018-02-09 17:48:35 UTC/bin/sh -c ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/unit.log
2018-02-09 17:48:36 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) STOPSIGNAL SIGTERM
2018-02-09 17:48:36 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["unitd" "--no-daemon" "--control" "unix:/var/run/control.unit.sock"]
Please be careful as this will not just delete the reference but also the actual content!
For example when you have latest and v1.2.3 both pointing to the same image
the deletion of latest will also permanently remove v1.2.3.