2023-05-04 15:21:25 UTC
324 MB
[#000] sha256:9e3ea8720c6de96cc9ad544dddc695a3ab73f5581c5d954e0504cc4f80fb5e5c - 9.25% (29.9 MB)
[#001] sha256:21fd2caa057611d1671449088801d8f3e11973cc523e65f79f2b73f9189938c0 - 56.7% (184 MB)
[#002] sha256:1ee472bf81628b9d551dbeeda93e67610217cf88190ccdbb6f8b3041d2ba6aa8 - 0.0% (3.77 KB)
[#003] sha256:45c6bab2805d41e3ba5a24b44369c8be22145520c07d310e1fbbaa658f2e49a4 - 0.0% (8.57 KB)
[#004] sha256:992f75f5c05e0ccd7a8834357c841736baa038f5ee2aedfbf043b8ae3d39dd12 - 34.05% (110 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:a2378c1b12e95db69e24b9d347441678c6f23239292cce3c822b1524992b6ec4 in /
2023-05-02 23:47:00 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"]
2023-05-03 20:24:43 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/openjdk
2023-05-04 14:59:25 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:05dd898ce921dff423e175db4bfabc77c7b70b060cfa18a18ee060c7533c567b in /opt/java/openjdk
2023-05-04 15:21:13 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PATH=/opt/java/openjdk/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin NEO4J_SHA256=e13e94d8c8730f9525f30f98821ade79b349af1697d7ac94a8c3cc8b0273b734 NEO4J_TARBALL=neo4j-community-5.7.0-unix.tar.gz NEO4J_EDITION=community NEO4J_HOME=/var/lib/neo4j
2023-05-04 15:21:13 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG NEO4J_URI=https://dist.neo4j.org/neo4j-community-5.7.0-unix.tar.gz
2023-05-04 15:21:14 UTC|1 NEO4J_URI=https://dist.neo4j.org/neo4j-community-5.7.0-unix.tar.gz /bin/sh -c addgroup --gid 7474 --system neo4j && adduser --uid 7474 --system --no-create-home --home "${NEO4J_HOME}" --ingroup neo4j neo4j
2023-05-04 15:21:14 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY multi:231d2413caca967db6cb3937a1975c89c8f725750a4c6cb2893820fb868a6427 in /startup/
2023-05-04 15:21:24 UTC|1 NEO4J_URI=https://dist.neo4j.org/neo4j-community-5.7.0-unix.tar.gz /bin/sh -c apt update && apt install -y curl gosu jq tini wget && curl --fail --silent --show-error --location --remote-name ${NEO4J_URI} && echo "${NEO4J_SHA256} ${NEO4J_TARBALL}" | sha256sum -c --strict --quiet && tar --extract --file ${NEO4J_TARBALL} --directory /var/lib && mv /var/lib/neo4j-* "${NEO4J_HOME}" && rm ${NEO4J_TARBALL} && mv "${NEO4J_HOME}"/data /data && mv "${NEO4J_HOME}"/logs /logs && chown -R neo4j:neo4j /data && chmod -R 777 /data && chown -R neo4j:neo4j /logs && chmod -R 777 /logs && chown -R neo4j:neo4j "${NEO4J_HOME}" && chmod -R 777 "${NEO4J_HOME}" && ln -s /data "${NEO4J_HOME}"/data && ln -s /logs "${NEO4J_HOME}"/logs && apt-get -y purge --auto-remove curl && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
2023-05-04 15:21:25 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PATH=/var/lib/neo4j/bin:/opt/java/openjdk/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
2023-05-04 15:21:25 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) WORKDIR /var/lib/neo4j
2023-05-04 15:21:25 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) VOLUME [/data /logs]
2023-05-04 15:21:25 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) EXPOSE 7473 7474 7687
2023-05-04 15:21:25 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["tini" "-g" "--" "/startup/docker-entrypoint.sh"]
2023-05-04 15:21:25 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["neo4j"]
2023-05-04 12:05:02 UTC
321 MB
[#000] sha256:b5d25b35c1dbfa256bea3dd164b2048d6c7f8074a555213c493c36f07bf4c559 - 8.92% (28.7 MB)
[#001] sha256:c575b486fb24233a04314b561ec4eeae43d749cd55a8b6194087d505365366b7 - 56.79% (183 MB)
[#002] sha256:c93a8328b0b62b333b941f4f72d41fbe9f1cb67c1bdfd42ef100aa881314e839 - 0.0% (3.8 KB)
[#003] sha256:cd3ce690ce0b7d3890d98ff9ccdded5c33f4227911f17a5595392105e27326e3 - 0.0% (8.57 KB)
[#004] sha256:842b6be57bf03bc40983fbb0f78148f99a9c9fc273d643783cc2d9a6ed968b1a - 34.28% (110 MB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:66d4d9078579608530442620145336062a293cc19f159b154a63a1bcdcce3f4c in /
2023-05-03 00:22:50 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"]
2023-05-03 17:44:16 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/openjdk
2023-05-04 10:14:13 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:1b2a87d4690d92c678e5e7380bdebd2fd0670a13533a2a897045c86dc03eb9f6 in /opt/java/openjdk
2023-05-04 12:04:47 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PATH=/opt/java/openjdk/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin NEO4J_SHA256=e13e94d8c8730f9525f30f98821ade79b349af1697d7ac94a8c3cc8b0273b734 NEO4J_TARBALL=neo4j-community-5.7.0-unix.tar.gz NEO4J_EDITION=community NEO4J_HOME=/var/lib/neo4j
2023-05-04 12:04:47 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG NEO4J_URI=https://dist.neo4j.org/neo4j-community-5.7.0-unix.tar.gz
2023-05-04 12:04:48 UTC|1 NEO4J_URI=https://dist.neo4j.org/neo4j-community-5.7.0-unix.tar.gz /bin/sh -c addgroup --gid 7474 --system neo4j && adduser --uid 7474 --system --no-create-home --home "${NEO4J_HOME}" --ingroup neo4j neo4j
2023-05-04 12:04:48 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY multi:231d2413caca967db6cb3937a1975c89c8f725750a4c6cb2893820fb868a6427 in /startup/
2023-05-04 12:05:01 UTC|1 NEO4J_URI=https://dist.neo4j.org/neo4j-community-5.7.0-unix.tar.gz /bin/sh -c apt update && apt install -y curl gosu jq tini wget && curl --fail --silent --show-error --location --remote-name ${NEO4J_URI} && echo "${NEO4J_SHA256} ${NEO4J_TARBALL}" | sha256sum -c --strict --quiet && tar --extract --file ${NEO4J_TARBALL} --directory /var/lib && mv /var/lib/neo4j-* "${NEO4J_HOME}" && rm ${NEO4J_TARBALL} && mv "${NEO4J_HOME}"/data /data && mv "${NEO4J_HOME}"/logs /logs && chown -R neo4j:neo4j /data && chmod -R 777 /data && chown -R neo4j:neo4j /logs && chmod -R 777 /logs && chown -R neo4j:neo4j "${NEO4J_HOME}" && chmod -R 777 "${NEO4J_HOME}" && ln -s /data "${NEO4J_HOME}"/data && ln -s /logs "${NEO4J_HOME}"/logs && apt-get -y purge --auto-remove curl && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
2023-05-04 12:05:01 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PATH=/var/lib/neo4j/bin:/opt/java/openjdk/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
2023-05-04 12:05:01 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) WORKDIR /var/lib/neo4j
2023-05-04 12:05:01 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) VOLUME [/data /logs]
2023-05-04 12:05:01 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) EXPOSE 7473 7474 7687
2023-05-04 12:05:02 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["tini" "-g" "--" "/startup/docker-entrypoint.sh"]
2023-05-04 12:05:02 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["neo4j"]
Please be careful as this will not just delete the reference but also the actual content!
For example when you have latest and v1.2.3 both pointing to the same image
the deletion of latest will also permanently remove v1.2.3.