2019-11-14 00:39:28 UTC
5.7 MB
_BASH_COMMIT_DESCcommit bash-20191108 snapshot
[#000] sha256:f913bd05bf684aaa4bc173d73cfbb58abb45587962d74f0aa71df36b6b489def - 46.65% (2.66 MB)
[#001] sha256:eabdfeb1390ad9fc47bea9d5a7b607b7648f62a7f285d8e185c0253e8b5f1e07 - 53.35% (3.04 MB)
[#002] sha256:17c1f073efe34fb969f37e1cc041c751015def9c1d31283630de8e384dd1fe39 - 0.01% (344 Bytes)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:dd3b3676fd9c1e0983ade68242b9b9ac5c477f3e4bfc97c2e78fd5db93a441c9 in /
2019-10-21 16:46:04 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2019-11-14 00:38:34 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT=5e061bb08bf2c3824c1a79f260adfc37b6bbff2b
2019-11-14 00:38:35 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT_DESC=commit bash-20191108 snapshot
2019-11-14 00:39:28 UTC/bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps bison coreutils dpkg-dev dpkg gcc libc-dev make ncurses-dev tar ; wget -O bash.tar.gz "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/snapshot/bash-$_BASH_COMMIT.tar.gz"; mkdir -p /usr/src/bash; tar --extract --file=bash.tar.gz --strip-components=1 --directory=/usr/src/bash ; rm bash.tar.gz; if [ -d bash-patches ]; then for p in bash-patches/*; do patch --directory=/usr/src/bash --input="$(readlink -f "$p")" --strip=0 ; rm "$p"; done; rmdir bash-patches; fi; cd /usr/src/bash; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-readline --with-curses --without-bash-malloc || { cat >&2 config.log; false; }; make -j "$(nproc)"; make install; cd /; rm -r /usr/src/bash; rm -r /usr/local/share/doc/bash/*.html /usr/local/share/info /usr/local/share/man ; runDeps="$( scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' --recursive /usr/local | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' )"; apk add --no-cache --virtual .bash-rundeps $runDeps; apk del .build-deps; [ "$(which bash)" = '/usr/local/bin/bash' ]; bash --version
2019-11-14 00:39:28 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:651b3bebeba8be9162c56b3eb561199905235f3e1c7811232b6c9f48ac333651 in /usr/local/bin/
2019-11-14 00:39:28 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["docker-entrypoint.sh"]
2019-11-14 00:39:28 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"]
2019-11-14 01:20:12 UTC
5.77 MB
_BASH_COMMIT_DESCcommit bash-20191108 snapshot
[#000] sha256:89d9c30c1d48bac627e5c6cb0d1ed1eec28e7dbdfbcc04712e4c79c0f83faf17 - 46.1% (2.66 MB)
[#001] sha256:cc74afb8cdc8f767e30519215405a2a8fb2e5fcbc2c45b969fd471ba71b3f3e4 - 53.89% (3.11 MB)
[#002] sha256:8f3c419d6f82844832531a056789fb5ccd66095ea9df684c37dcd119889d8f0a - 0.01% (339 Bytes)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:fe1f09249227e2da2089afb4d07e16cbf832eeb804120074acd2b8192876cd28 in /
2019-10-21 17:21:42 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2019-11-14 01:19:24 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT=5e061bb08bf2c3824c1a79f260adfc37b6bbff2b
2019-11-14 01:19:24 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT_DESC=commit bash-20191108 snapshot
2019-11-14 01:20:11 UTC/bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps bison coreutils dpkg-dev dpkg gcc libc-dev make ncurses-dev tar ; wget -O bash.tar.gz "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/snapshot/bash-$_BASH_COMMIT.tar.gz"; mkdir -p /usr/src/bash; tar --extract --file=bash.tar.gz --strip-components=1 --directory=/usr/src/bash ; rm bash.tar.gz; if [ -d bash-patches ]; then for p in bash-patches/*; do patch --directory=/usr/src/bash --input="$(readlink -f "$p")" --strip=0 ; rm "$p"; done; rmdir bash-patches; fi; cd /usr/src/bash; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-readline --with-curses --without-bash-malloc || { cat >&2 config.log; false; }; make -j "$(nproc)"; make install; cd /; rm -r /usr/src/bash; rm -r /usr/local/share/doc/bash/*.html /usr/local/share/info /usr/local/share/man ; runDeps="$( scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' --recursive /usr/local | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' )"; apk add --no-cache --virtual .bash-rundeps $runDeps; apk del .build-deps; [ "$(which bash)" = '/usr/local/bin/bash' ]; bash --version
2019-11-14 01:20:11 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:651b3bebeba8be9162c56b3eb561199905235f3e1c7811232b6c9f48ac333651 in /usr/local/bin/
2019-11-14 01:20:11 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["docker-entrypoint.sh"]
2019-11-14 01:20:12 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"]
2019-11-14 00:50:48 UTC
5.44 MB
_BASH_COMMIT_DESCcommit bash-20191108 snapshot
[#000] sha256:ecf664be551d26dcd221b7387283cdcc54f46c6789700d037fa3cd0c297f8645 - 45.1% (2.45 MB)
[#001] sha256:9c967b4b4260623fb1b3642314791f45634c72e109a1dd2e4a0b474bd0f52134 - 54.9% (2.99 MB)
[#002] sha256:71fc685ef6bed24e46508935c584dd99f0b2188d7f10f5ef00027305aa726b78 - 0.01% (344 Bytes)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:d3c7d938a78143f106a6a467ce23b599198e041220e661e5326ba91054c353ef in /
2019-10-21 16:56:04 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2019-11-14 00:49:44 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT=5e061bb08bf2c3824c1a79f260adfc37b6bbff2b
2019-11-14 00:49:44 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT_DESC=commit bash-20191108 snapshot
2019-11-14 00:50:46 UTC/bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps bison coreutils dpkg-dev dpkg gcc libc-dev make ncurses-dev tar ; wget -O bash.tar.gz "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/snapshot/bash-$_BASH_COMMIT.tar.gz"; mkdir -p /usr/src/bash; tar --extract --file=bash.tar.gz --strip-components=1 --directory=/usr/src/bash ; rm bash.tar.gz; if [ -d bash-patches ]; then for p in bash-patches/*; do patch --directory=/usr/src/bash --input="$(readlink -f "$p")" --strip=0 ; rm "$p"; done; rmdir bash-patches; fi; cd /usr/src/bash; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-readline --with-curses --without-bash-malloc || { cat >&2 config.log; false; }; make -j "$(nproc)"; make install; cd /; rm -r /usr/src/bash; rm -r /usr/local/share/doc/bash/*.html /usr/local/share/info /usr/local/share/man ; runDeps="$( scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' --recursive /usr/local | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' )"; apk add --no-cache --virtual .bash-rundeps $runDeps; apk del .build-deps; [ "$(which bash)" = '/usr/local/bin/bash' ]; bash --version
2019-11-14 00:50:47 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:651b3bebeba8be9162c56b3eb561199905235f3e1c7811232b6c9f48ac333651 in /usr/local/bin/
2019-11-14 00:50:47 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["docker-entrypoint.sh"]
2019-11-14 00:50:48 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"]
2019-11-14 00:58:46 UTC
5.2 MB
_BASH_COMMIT_DESCcommit bash-20191108 snapshot
[#000] sha256:99fc70ac0b64db67086f98ceb3942600816eed98046abd6be5ad66f4614a9ca2 - 43.61% (2.27 MB)
[#001] sha256:31ece1d5ded0ab8877b096efa5c746686b25b4f9ba51f319c8f8114e777aad56 - 56.39% (2.93 MB)
[#002] sha256:ffff76fd4958e4b8909154b4248655a2042616441a35f2c9e4941b4b4463b94a - 0.01% (340 Bytes)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:6b2893134302eabeb80e356fc4e5a29d9cd442362c382b3504688c014a734bb9 in /
2019-10-21 18:15:31 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2019-11-14 00:57:45 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT=5e061bb08bf2c3824c1a79f260adfc37b6bbff2b
2019-11-14 00:57:45 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT_DESC=commit bash-20191108 snapshot
2019-11-14 00:58:44 UTC/bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps bison coreutils dpkg-dev dpkg gcc libc-dev make ncurses-dev tar ; wget -O bash.tar.gz "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/snapshot/bash-$_BASH_COMMIT.tar.gz"; mkdir -p /usr/src/bash; tar --extract --file=bash.tar.gz --strip-components=1 --directory=/usr/src/bash ; rm bash.tar.gz; if [ -d bash-patches ]; then for p in bash-patches/*; do patch --directory=/usr/src/bash --input="$(readlink -f "$p")" --strip=0 ; rm "$p"; done; rmdir bash-patches; fi; cd /usr/src/bash; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-readline --with-curses --without-bash-malloc || { cat >&2 config.log; false; }; make -j "$(nproc)"; make install; cd /; rm -r /usr/src/bash; rm -r /usr/local/share/doc/bash/*.html /usr/local/share/info /usr/local/share/man ; runDeps="$( scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' --recursive /usr/local | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' )"; apk add --no-cache --virtual .bash-rundeps $runDeps; apk del .build-deps; [ "$(which bash)" = '/usr/local/bin/bash' ]; bash --version
2019-11-14 00:58:45 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:651b3bebeba8be9162c56b3eb561199905235f3e1c7811232b6c9f48ac333651 in /usr/local/bin/
2019-11-14 00:58:45 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["docker-entrypoint.sh"]
2019-11-14 00:58:46 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"]
2019-11-14 02:11:14 UTC
5.7 MB
_BASH_COMMIT_DESCcommit bash-20191108 snapshot
[#000] sha256:8bfa913040406727f36faa9b69d0b96e071b13792a83ad69c19389031a9f3797 - 45.47% (2.59 MB)
[#001] sha256:4321edb5c1a82edda1046a3055c82ef1a252eda335f5eb979bc60f6e4d86d6fb - 54.53% (3.11 MB)
[#002] sha256:ab25521fb460de1007dee52c371d4cdef32a76d3c4917ae238f3be465ad45746 - 0.01% (343 Bytes)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:02f4d68afd9e9e303ff893f198d535d0d78c4b2554f299ab2d0955b2bef0e06a in /
2019-10-21 18:07:09 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2019-11-14 02:10:06 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT=5e061bb08bf2c3824c1a79f260adfc37b6bbff2b
2019-11-14 02:10:07 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT_DESC=commit bash-20191108 snapshot
2019-11-14 02:11:11 UTC/bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps bison coreutils dpkg-dev dpkg gcc libc-dev make ncurses-dev tar ; wget -O bash.tar.gz "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/snapshot/bash-$_BASH_COMMIT.tar.gz"; mkdir -p /usr/src/bash; tar --extract --file=bash.tar.gz --strip-components=1 --directory=/usr/src/bash ; rm bash.tar.gz; if [ -d bash-patches ]; then for p in bash-patches/*; do patch --directory=/usr/src/bash --input="$(readlink -f "$p")" --strip=0 ; rm "$p"; done; rmdir bash-patches; fi; cd /usr/src/bash; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-readline --with-curses --without-bash-malloc || { cat >&2 config.log; false; }; make -j "$(nproc)"; make install; cd /; rm -r /usr/src/bash; rm -r /usr/local/share/doc/bash/*.html /usr/local/share/info /usr/local/share/man ; runDeps="$( scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' --recursive /usr/local | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' )"; apk add --no-cache --virtual .bash-rundeps $runDeps; apk del .build-deps; [ "$(which bash)" = '/usr/local/bin/bash' ]; bash --version
2019-11-14 02:11:12 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:651b3bebeba8be9162c56b3eb561199905235f3e1c7811232b6c9f48ac333651 in /usr/local/bin/
2019-11-14 02:11:13 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["docker-entrypoint.sh"]
2019-11-14 02:11:14 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"]
2019-11-14 01:17:43 UTC
6.02 MB
_BASH_COMMIT_DESCcommit bash-20191108 snapshot
[#000] sha256:cd18d16ea896a0f0eb99be52a9722ffae9a5ac35cf28cb8b96f589352f8e71d6 - 44.52% (2.68 MB)
[#001] sha256:7e0a29dde072abd308feb2f4a7a6d791a8c34c3eb873d4c21e7880886d829feb - 55.48% (3.34 MB)
[#002] sha256:4d0ed87df2eb40106cad5f9b9d0619a06c3dd77cdd1e4bb768f8f5401c2fa7a4 - 0.01% (342 Bytes)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:11a2dd0058b1642e9ee52239d03223819a53ca346fd42826eead7729c50e1257 in /
2019-10-21 17:53:00 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2019-11-14 01:16:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT=5e061bb08bf2c3824c1a79f260adfc37b6bbff2b
2019-11-14 01:16:35 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT_DESC=commit bash-20191108 snapshot
2019-11-14 01:17:36 UTC/bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps bison coreutils dpkg-dev dpkg gcc libc-dev make ncurses-dev tar ; wget -O bash.tar.gz "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/snapshot/bash-$_BASH_COMMIT.tar.gz"; mkdir -p /usr/src/bash; tar --extract --file=bash.tar.gz --strip-components=1 --directory=/usr/src/bash ; rm bash.tar.gz; if [ -d bash-patches ]; then for p in bash-patches/*; do patch --directory=/usr/src/bash --input="$(readlink -f "$p")" --strip=0 ; rm "$p"; done; rmdir bash-patches; fi; cd /usr/src/bash; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-readline --with-curses --without-bash-malloc || { cat >&2 config.log; false; }; make -j "$(nproc)"; make install; cd /; rm -r /usr/src/bash; rm -r /usr/local/share/doc/bash/*.html /usr/local/share/info /usr/local/share/man ; runDeps="$( scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' --recursive /usr/local | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' )"; apk add --no-cache --virtual .bash-rundeps $runDeps; apk del .build-deps; [ "$(which bash)" = '/usr/local/bin/bash' ]; bash --version
2019-11-14 01:17:38 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:651b3bebeba8be9162c56b3eb561199905235f3e1c7811232b6c9f48ac333651 in /usr/local/bin/
2019-11-14 01:17:40 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["docker-entrypoint.sh"]
2019-11-14 01:17:43 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"]
2019-11-14 00:42:05 UTC
5.55 MB
_BASH_COMMIT_DESCcommit bash-20191108 snapshot
[#000] sha256:fb7172052a60e640810f01efff381654bf9ed44082461455cfcc6306d192d541 - 44.19% (2.45 MB)
[#001] sha256:2446948ff60e11bfb967d95c730deb3d50b315533d9c3e3ed63bdbed94d76c97 - 55.81% (3.1 MB)
[#002] sha256:851c11f4a4922513e5f4af25a92d23a53330ac66c676d1442c58635b39df9d11 - 0.01% (340 Bytes)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:49020543846e4f93b34d71c0e4234ade7bd6dde3f45cb73784aa73ce0522c8bc in /
2019-10-21 16:47:29 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"]
2019-11-14 00:41:33 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT=5e061bb08bf2c3824c1a79f260adfc37b6bbff2b
2019-11-14 00:41:33 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV _BASH_COMMIT_DESC=commit bash-20191108 snapshot
2019-11-14 00:42:04 UTC/bin/sh -c set -eux; apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps bison coreutils dpkg-dev dpkg gcc libc-dev make ncurses-dev tar ; wget -O bash.tar.gz "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/snapshot/bash-$_BASH_COMMIT.tar.gz"; mkdir -p /usr/src/bash; tar --extract --file=bash.tar.gz --strip-components=1 --directory=/usr/src/bash ; rm bash.tar.gz; if [ -d bash-patches ]; then for p in bash-patches/*; do patch --directory=/usr/src/bash --input="$(readlink -f "$p")" --strip=0 ; rm "$p"; done; rmdir bash-patches; fi; cd /usr/src/bash; gnuArch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)"; ./configure --build="$gnuArch" --enable-readline --with-curses --without-bash-malloc || { cat >&2 config.log; false; }; make -j "$(nproc)"; make install; cd /; rm -r /usr/src/bash; rm -r /usr/local/share/doc/bash/*.html /usr/local/share/info /usr/local/share/man ; runDeps="$( scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' --recursive /usr/local | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' )"; apk add --no-cache --virtual .bash-rundeps $runDeps; apk del .build-deps; [ "$(which bash)" = '/usr/local/bin/bash' ]; bash --version
2019-11-14 00:42:04 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:651b3bebeba8be9162c56b3eb561199905235f3e1c7811232b6c9f48ac333651 in /usr/local/bin/
2019-11-14 00:42:05 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["docker-entrypoint.sh"]
2019-11-14 00:42:05 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"]
Please be careful as this will not just delete the reference but also the actual content!
For example when you have latest and v1.2.3 both pointing to the same image
the deletion of latest will also permanently remove v1.2.3.