2023-05-09 09:02:03 UTC
49.2 MB
[#000] sha256:fae4a5262fc3293168218e4c43f801ddceb1dfc97a436f7bf7d3bcb8282886a5 - 31.73% (15.6 MB)
[#001] sha256:a89b35cb9e1d86562488cdb0b3d84eba8300fcb5f3e6bd8e0eee50932e49409b - 64.68% (31.8 MB)
[#002] sha256:b7a7f4aec656effdc2a9c8a727f25a08728d0b958ca6045d0cb3d16bf3f1ba0f - 2.89% (1.42 MB)
[#003] sha256:ad072c5b2efdcf508c41b9c0962212e4501253541f5cd4d9a019b6ef68735aea - 0.7% (352 KB)
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:aa9c2265fcb9ccfca69e0d8a62bf5b2f2c0104e318fffb0dbc25af42365f2b62 in /
2023-05-08 19:27:50 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL name=Photon OS x86_64/4.0 Base Image vendor=VMware build-date=20230506
2023-05-08 19:27:50 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"]
2023-05-09 08:12:31 UTC/bin/sh -c tdnf install -y nginx shadow >> /dev/null && tdnf clean all && ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/nginx/access.log && ln -sf /dev/stderr /var/log/nginx/error.log && groupmod -g 10000 nginx && usermod -g 10000 -u 10000 -d /home/nginx -s /bin/bash nginx && chown -R nginx:nginx /etc/nginx
2023-05-09 08:12:31 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL base-build-date=20230509
2023-05-09 09:01:58 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:dba8517fde02fd68a2c2cf16eee2d890c667f78c93c10cf1a62428173e54d73c in /usr/share/nginx/html
2023-05-09 09:01:59 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:d8ca372df32667a1938adba383246748e8f2a104cecdcab231063f9920bfe479 in /usr/share/nginx/html
2023-05-09 09:01:59 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) VOLUME [/var/cache/nginx /var/log/nginx /run]
2023-05-09 09:02:00 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) STOPSIGNAL SIGQUIT
2023-05-09 09:02:01 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) HEALTHCHECK &{["CMD-SHELL" "curl --fail -s http://localhost:8080 || curl -k --fail -s https://localhost:8443 || exit 1"] "0s" "0s" "0s" '\x00'}
2023-05-09 09:02:02 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) USER nginx
2023-05-09 09:02:03 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["nginx" "-g" "daemon off;"]
Please be careful as this will not just delete the reference but also the actual content!
For example when you have latest and v1.2.3 both pointing to the same image
the deletion of latest will also permanently remove v1.2.3.